Hello Mutts in Distress,
I would like to inform you that one of your long term residents, Lara the Boxer dog, who we took on nearly four years ago, has passed away.
Lara was ten years old when we took her on, reaching almost fourteen, she had done so well in a loving home and was adored.
She had such a wonderful life and brought us so much happiness. We took her to many places and she experienced lots of things, regularly going paddling in our nearby rivers and retrieving huge rocks.
She was truly an amazing dog and we feel blessed to have been part of her life. We miss her so much.
The work you do is so important and rewarding, giving all your dogs a new home and the chance to be loved again makes me happy. Thank you for giving us the chance to make a difference to Lara’s life, we will never forget her. If you need any volunteer work done at Mutts, I’d be happy to help out.
Gary and Mandie.