To all my friends at Normandale Kennels
My Mummy has told me that I must write to say thank you for saving my life. I did not really know what was happening but Mummy has told me everything now I am back home and to think that if I had not been staying with you, I would never have gone home again. My mummy would now like to say something.
Hi Pat and everyone at Normandale,
We are so grateful that you and your staff are so caring and diligent. Spotting the symptoms of a Torsion we know is not easy. We also know that the condition is fatal if the dog is not taken to the vet within 50mins-1hr maximum and that it would be an agonising death. Had Sadie been at home with us, we would not have read the signs as Jackie did and I am certain Sadie would have died.
When taking Sadie to the vet for a final check and tests on Saturday, he told us that we were so lucky that you got her to them so quickly. He does not know how you knew it was a Torsion. He said her stomach was empty and that on his initial examination, he suspected bloat/gas. It was not until he tried to tube her that he realised that her stomach had in fact turned. It was at that point that he phoned your kennels and spoke to Karen to ask permission to operate and needless to say permission was granted on our behalf. No question, it was the right decision.
We are so grateful to you all and even though we have moved from the area, we would not dream of using any other kennels for our four legged friends. We were lucky this happened to Sadie during the day, had it been over night, we know we would not have been so lucky but it didn’t and you and your staff are on the ball when it comes to the animals in your care.
I hope you put this letter on your website, everyone should know the knowledge you have and how well their pets are cared for at Normandale.
Since arriving home, we have researched via the internet all about Torsion and realise just how very lucky we are and we now have a bit more knowledge about the condition. Everyone with a deep chested dog should know about this condition, it could save their dog’s life.
Yours very gratefully,
Jill and Cliff Lashmar and of course Sadie.