Rehome test Fields marked with an * are required.Your name*Your address*You must live within an area where we carry out home checks (see notes at the top of this page).Post Code*Telephone number*Mobile phone numberAdoption start*Please tell us when you will be ready to start the adoption process. Enter a date, or "Now".Adults in paid employment*NoneI/we are retiredOneTwoMore than twoSource of incomeIf you answered "None" to the previous question, please tell us your source of income.Working hours*What are your working hours? Please give details for all occupants of your home.Age range*Please help our home checkers by telling us your age range.18-2526-4041-65Over 65Prefer not to sayYour home*HouseFlatBungalowOther (please give details below ...)Other type of homeApproximate size of garden*Secure fencing*The garden is securely fenced on all sides:Height of fence at lowest point*How much regular exercise will you be able to provide?*Time alone*When will the dog be left alone? Please give the times of day (e.g. "From 2pm to 4pm weekdays").Other adults*How many other adults are there in your home?Children's ages*What are the ages of any children living in the home or visiting?Other dogs*Please tell us about any other dogs in your home.Cats and other animals*Please give details of cats and other animals in your home.Pet insurance*We strongly recommend that you take out insurance for your pet. Please tell us about any pet insurance you already have.Mutts dogIf you are interested in a particular Mutts dog, please tell us its name.Note that we cannot guarantee that the dog you are interested in will still be available after your home check.All our dogs are assessed carefully and regularly and if we feel that a particular dog is not suitable for your situation, the kennel staff will advise you accordingly and suggest alternative dogs that they may have in the kennels.Preferred size of dog*What size of dog would you prefer?AnySmall (e.g. Westie or smaller)Medium (e.g. Collie)Large (e.g. German Shepherd)Preferred age of dog*Preferred gender of dog*No preferenceBitchDogOther informationPlease give us any other details you think may be of relevance.Your privacy*Mutts in Distress will keep these details only to deal with your request and any follow-up that might be needed. Please tick the box below to confirm that you agree.I agreePlease help us to avoid spam form submissions.Enter 825973, but leaving out the number seven*Please leave empty:Submit